This postcard from Bulgaria was issued to commemorate the baptism of two year old Prince Boris (30JAN1894-28AUG1943), the future Czar Boris III of Bulgaria. Czar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria had his two-year-old son Boris baptized into the Bulgarian Orthodox church 02FEB1896, effectively converting him from Roman Catholicism. Czar Nicholas II of Russia happily became his godfather.

Prince Boris of Bulgaria Postcard (Cancelled Sofia 28MAR1896)

Added to 1896 Prince Boris of Bulg... and categorized in 8 months ago

This postcard from Bulgaria was issued to commemorate the baptism of two year old Prince Boris (30JAN1894-28AUG1943), the future Czar Boris III of Bulgaria. Czar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria had his two-year-old son Boris baptized into the Bulgarian Orthodox church 02FEB1896, effectively converting him from Roman Catholicism. Czar Nicholas II of Russia happily became his godfather.